Rosetta RIP User Guide
× Info

The first step selected when you open a profile template is the Info option. Here you must fill in the name, media and description fields. There is also a Date Stamp button that you can click on, in order to set the profile date for your own reference.
The name field is the actual name given to the profile table. This is the name that will be shown on the list of available profile tables within the Rosetta RIP. The name given here should be as informative as possible in describing the selected table. Normally it should include the manufacturers name, the name of the media and the resolution or print quality of the profile, for example ‘EPSON Enhanced Matte Paper 1200’. Please note that the name field is read only as indicated by its greyed out colour and you should click on the Save icon on the toolbar and then enter the profile table name.
The media field is the Media we select on the Server that is then used by the system for media matching / holding for incoming jobs. It must be the same for all resolutions and is usually the
same as the name field, but without the resolution / print quality part. Use cut and paste so you do not make any spelling mistakes. So in this case the media name should be set as ‘EPSON Enhanced Matte Paper’.
The description field is a free text field used purely for the benefit of the operator in describing the selected profile table  in more details. Here you can add information and instructions for the user
such as ink type used, media handling, drying issues or any other useful information.